This page is for anyone with an interest in this numeracy difficulty. What’s going on? What is it about numbers, sequences and other essential numeracy skills that is making tasks difficult?
I have completed the Dyscalculia Training Centre’s Dyscalculia 1 to 1 Training course materials. This has been a really stimulating course with literally hundreds of ideas and sample materials. Just need to use some of the methods with a student now in an attempt to try and bring them on. Once I’m confident with the strategies I can then have a go at the course final examination in order to gain the qualification.
Good reading:
Babtie, P and Emerson, J (2014) The Dyscalculia Solution, London: Bloomsbury Education
Babtie, P and Emerson, J (2015) Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Butterworth, B and Yeo, D (2004) Dyscalculia Guidance, London: GL Assessment
Bernard, Brett, (2016) Math Anxiety, USA: Gold Medal Staff Development
Hornigold, J (2015) Dyscalculia Pocketbook, Alresford: Teachers’ Pocketbooks
Following on Twitter:
@stevechinnUK an independent consultant, researcher and writer. As well as writing maths books, worksheets and tests, he has contributed chapters to many books, including, ‘Dyslexia and Mathematics’ (which was the first ever UK book on maths and dyslexia)
@DysMLD Twitter account of the National Conference of Dyscalculia and MLD
@dyscalculiahead Dyscalculia Headlines, a website bringing together relevant headlines from a multitude of sources
@dyscalculiaInfo Judy Hornigold, an educational consultant specialising in dyslexia and dyscalculia
@DyscalTrain Dr A M Schreuder, founder of the dyscalculiaservices.com (see below)
http://dyscalculiaheadlines.com/ a website linking to news headlines regarding dyscalculia
http://dyscalculiaservices.com/ an American based website that has many resources available. Set up by Dr A M Schreuder, (@DyscalTrain) who has also authored a number of books on dyscalculia. One page also outlines a number of apps that they have found useful. Mostly they are for the younger age group – I’m not promoting any of them as I’ve not tried any, just pointing to something that may be useful.